Let's Re-hydrate Zakynthos
Doing Our Bit
Other products which we recommend to helpour environmental issues. See how below.
You can do YOUR bit too !
Look below at the simple and cheap ways to help improve our environment. Click the Button at the bottom of the page to see exciting new methods of cleaning up our act.
Water Generators
We started out to supply water generators and essentially that hasn't changed. But just look at the unexpected benefits.

Room De-humidified Air filtered and purified Over 4000 plastic water bottles per year eliminated using this one machine
Many versions of these water savers are readily available on Amazon and elsewhere.
Toilet top sinks. Wash your hands and then the water is re-used to flush.
But it doesn't stop there. Look at these other products available to improve our environment

Perfect not just for home use. What about Hotels, Tavernas, offices? How much water could be saved ?? How many plastic bin liners eliminated?

User and Environmental Benefits.
Water (and therefore money) saved by user. Less demand on water supplier making more water available for all.
Toilet Macerator. Again readily available on Amazon, Ebay and elsewhere. When you flush, the paper and solid waste is chopped into a slurry and needs less water to flush.
User and Environmental Benefits.
Water (and therefore money) saved by user. Less demand on water supplier making more water available for all. Small bore pipes can be used saving on construction costs. Plastic bin liners containing soiled toilet tissue Eliminated. Reducing bin usage and landfill, reducing health risks. Reduced burden on sewage processing plants.
Perfect not just for home use. What about Hotels, Tavernas, offices. How much water could be saved ??

This is an easy one to make yourself. Re-cycle pet food tine or pop cans by making this simple SOLAR HEATER.
No moving parts no power required ! The sun heats the air inside which is passed into your home by covection. Ideal for those early spring and winter mornings when it's warmer outside than it is inside.
These designs and many more available on YouTube.
User and Environmental Benefits.
Cans re-used and home heated FREE. Landfill reduced.
Let's Re-hydrate Zakynthos
Let's clean up Zakynthos
Note! Construction companies and refurbishment projects could get bulk prices from the manufacturers.
Your Suggestions
Please feel free to email us with any long term suggestions to help improve the water situation and improve our environmental issues here on Zakynthos.
We hear lots about the underground lakes drying up. Instead of allowing storm drains to direct rain water to the sea, surely it must be possible to make that water get into the ground?J.M.
Let's Re-hydrate Zakynthos
Let's clean up Zakynthos
There are still dozens of houses villas hotels etc being built all over the island. Can it be made compulsory to use permeable concrete to allow as much rain as possible to soak into the ground? MTC